2014 was a busy year! From the first phases of our response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines to increasing work with coffee and cocoa farmers throughout the world, we’ve captured quite a bit of it on video.
Here are a few of our favorites:
Putting cash in the hands of typhoon victims
Watching Leonida’s smile as she helps her community and gets some much needed cash in her hands, it’s hard not to smile myself.
Your coffee will never taste the same
…after you meet Atandi, a farmer in Western Kenya.
These cocoa farmers have been through a lot
On the border of Peru and Colombia, many of these farmers were forced to plant coca, for cocaine. Helping them find alternatives has been more than life-changing.
When water is hard to come by
Sevu knows what hunger feels like. It’s all-consuming. So helping his community capture water that can be used to grow crops is truly transformative.
Enhanced Resilience = Lasting Impact
Finally, go more in-depth on LWR’s Watershed Approach to Enhanced Resilience (WATER) project in one of Kenya’s driest regions. Learn how this project is helping families like Sevu’s.
Which videos did you enjoy the most? What has the greatest impact? Leave your comments below!